EUs deltagelse i Verdenskrigen mod ytringsfrihed

Krigen mod ytringsfrihed har udviklet sig til en verdenskrig, skrev Michael Shellenberger sidste år

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security recently created a “Disinformation Governance Board”, the European Commission crafted a new Digital Services Act and Code of Practice on Disinformation, and the UN is proposing a “Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms”. All of these initiatives are allegedly the product of good intentions; all of them, however, are rooted in the same fallacy: there is little evidence to suggest that hate speech and misinformation are on the rise. On the contrary, Western countries are more tolerant of racial, religious and sexual minorities than ever before.

EU vil masseovervåge befolkningens emails og private korrespondancer for netop det tilfælde, at nogen skulle dele børneporno og andre ulovligheder, skriver The Verge

The European Union is getting closer to passing new rules that would mandate the bulk scanning of digital messages — including encrypted ones. On Thursday, EU governments will adopt a position on the proposed legislation, which is aimed at detecting child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The vote will determine whether the proposal has enough support to move forward in the EU’s law-making process.

The law, first introduced in 2022, would implement an “upload moderation” system that scans all your digital messages, including shared images, videos, and links. Each service required to install this “vetted” monitoring technology must also ask permission to scan your messages. If you don’t agree, you won’t be able to share images or URLs.


In response, Signal president Meredith Whittaker says the app will stop functioning in the EU if the rules become law, as the proposal “fundamentally undermines encryption,” regardless of whether it’s scanned before encryption or not. “We can call it a backdoor, a front door, or ‘upload moderation,’” Whittaker writes. “But whatever we call it, each one of these approaches creates a vulnerability that can be exploited by hackers and hostile nation states, removing the protection of unbreakable math and putting in its place a high-value vulnerability.”

Dansk Folkepartis formand Morten Messerschmidt, skrev på X

Behøver man minde Mette Frederiksen og kompagni om § 72: “Boligen er ukrænkelig. Husundersøgelse, beslaglæggelse og undersøgelse af breve og andre papirer samt brud på post-, telegraf- og telefonhemmeligheden må, hvor ingen lov hjemler en særegen undtagelse, alene ske efter en retskendelse”. 

En systematisk overvågning af chats og e-mailkorrespondancer vil åbenlyst være et brud på den bestemmelse. Også selvom det begrundes med fornuftige formål. For vejen til helvede er som bekendt brolagt med gode løfter.

EU begynder mere og mere at ligne et stasisamfund, hvor alle overvåges – under DGA at ville fange kriminelle. Nogen, der kan huske filmen Minority Report? 

Putin må jo føle, at han er en større demokrat end bureaukraterne i Bruxelles. De lukker ned for radio og TV kanaler, der sendes af vores fjender. De overvåger fb-opslag for “hadefuld tale”. Og nu vil de helt ind i vores private korrespondance. Det er jo redskaber, som kan få enhver diktators mundvand til at løbe. 

EU forbød i maj “Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti news agency and Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspapers, on the grounds that they “have been essential and instrumental in bringing forward and supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine”skrev Reuters. Det handler om at være tryg, sagde kommissionsformanden Ursula von der Leyen og tegnede en lys fremtid for det autokratiske tekno-vælde, hvor man kunne forhånds-censurere os andre på nettet

As technology evolves we need to build up societal immunity around information manipulation. Because research has shown that prebunking is much more successful than debunking. Prebunking is basically the opposite of debunking. In short, prevention is preferable to cure.

Perhaps if you think of information manipulation as a virus. Instead of treating an infection, once it has taken hold – that is debunking – it is much better to vaccinate so that the body is inoculated. Prebunking is the same approach. Because disinformation relies on people passing it on to others. It is essential that people know what malign information influence is and what the techniques are that are behind it.

And as the knowledge goes up our chances of being influenced goes down. And that builds up the society resilience that we will need. 

Den ikke fokevalgte Ursula von de Leyen vil, for at beskytte demokratiet holde et vågent øje, med alle der måtte modtage penge fra Rusland, direkte eller indirekte, som alle der måtte modtage nyheder derfra, direkte eller indirekte, fortalte Politico

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen slammed the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over allegations that some of its top members are linked with a scandal involving dissemination of pro-Russian propaganda.

“I am not surprised that the Czech secret service is currently investigating two candidates at the top of the AfD’s list for the European elections,” von der Leyen said Friday evening at a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) gathering in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony. “They have long been agitating against the European Union,” she said.

“They have never made a secret of their admiration for the democracy despiser in the Kremlin. They have carried his propaganda into our societies. Whether they have taken bribes for it or not,” said von der Leyen, who is campaigning for a second five-year term running the European Commission.

Czech authorities in March sanctioned the Prague-based Voice of Europe website over claims that European politicians had engaged with the outlet, using their influence to discourage support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. Two of the channel’s executives — including Viktor Medvedchuk, a longtime ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin — were hit with sanctions.

Julian Assange, der netop har tilstået en relativt mindre forseelse for at komme ud i friheden, mente, at ideen om russerne, som den store trussel, blev startet for at undgå Hillary Clintons

“My analysis of Trump and Russia is that there is no substantial connection. Why do I say that? Well, because Trump was trying to invest in Russia before Putin in the 1990s and continued his attempts nearly all the way up to the present moment, with no success. He did not manage to build hotels or other projects in Russia, which shows how insubstantial his contacts are.

“There is an extremely well-documented pattern of people, companies, and governments making large donations to the Clinton Foundation when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. These donations often coincided with those entities seeking favorable decisions from the Secretary of State. In some cases, there were business deals with people around Hillary Clinton.

“One particular instance is the approval by Secretary Clinton of the sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium reprocessing rights to a Russian company, which was then exported to Russia. At that time, a large donation was made by those Russian interests to the Clinton Foundation.

In addition, Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, was on the board of a company called Joule Unlimited. Joule Unlimited held some of these rights and received a $35 million investment from Russia.

Tilbage til Shellenberger, der parallelt argumenterer for at det store chok for systemet faldt i 2016 med Brexit og valget af Donald J Trump 

[A]ccording to intelligence and security services, the news media, and establishment political leaders across the Western World, Russia is currently interfering in European elections by secretly bribing conservative politicians. Yesterday, the Washington Post repeated the claim, which has been made in European newspapers for months.

But neither the government agencies nor the news media have produced any evidence to support their accusations, and every single individual accused of taking money from the Russians has denied it.

That includes a German Member of Parliament, Petr Bystron, who represents the conservative AfD party and whom I interviewed by phone yesterday. Bystron, who is running for European Parliament, says there is no truth whatsoever to any of the accusations and that government intelligence agencies are accusing him because of his opposition to the war in Ukraine.

 Michael Shellenberger interviewede tidligere på månneden den tyske politiker Bystron fra AfD 

Who is Voice of Europe?

Voice of Europe appeared to be normal journalists. They even had some Americans working for them. They were, from my point of view, normal journalists. I gave them an interview two times: one time in Germany attending our party convention and the other time at the side of a Prague conference. They were normal: a guy with a camera and a girl with a microphone.

Did anyone from VOE ever offer you money?

No! Listen. It doesn’t make any sense. Offering money for an interview? Total crap. Nobody offers money for an interview. We all want to send the message of our party and we do it for free. The idea that Putin paid us to spread propaganda? Why would Putin pay anyone to spread their own party’s propaganda? I’m spreading AfD’s political program. It makes no sense to give anyone a bribe to do what they’re doing already anyway!

The whole point is that they are afraid. You see the polls from the EU parliament they are losing majority, and if they lose the majority in the EU parliament then there’s a real chance that the financing of this fucking war will stop. So they are accusing anyone against the war as not doing it for patriotic reasons but because we are Putin’s agents

Three days after I was accused, they accused The Freedom Party’s Herbert Kickl in Austria in the exact same way. They are using the same blueprint and the same wording in several countries. They are saying “Oh you shook hands with a Russian and now you are a Russian agent!”

EU skal være et imperium, sagde Guy Verhofstadt, da briterne stemte sig ud. Et imperium som USA, Kina, Indien og Rusland. Og man kan ikke nægte at der arbejdes flittigt på den indre struktur.