Who’s running the country?

Det var Vivek Ramaswamys spørgsmål

Ask yourself whether it’s possible that those same outlets which lied to you about the mental fitness of the sitting president might have lied to you about anything else. Look into the Russia collusion hoax, the “fine people” and bleach hoaxes, the origin of COVID-19, Hunter Biden, the evidentiary basis for climate change policies or pediatric “gender-affirming care.” Seek out original sources & uncut video footage, instead of relying on the filter of mainstream media coverage.

Ask yourself this too: who is actually running this country? Do you honestly believe Joe Biden is in charge? Is the “deep state” a conspiracy theory, or is it a reality hiding in plain sight? 

Last night was a sad moment for our country to see a mentally debilitated President, but it can still catalyze positive change & open minds that were previously closed. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

For my own part, I will never fault a fellow citizen for coming to these conclusions “late.” It’s more valuable to unite around the truth than to gloat over who was right first. We’re all human, we’ve all been wrong & been misled before, but we are best off as a nation if we can openly admit it and improve in the future. We’ll have our opportunity to do that this November & beyond.

It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits” skrev Bari Weiss. Og Hollywood, kunne Collin Rugg tilføje. Alan Dershowitz, det kære menneske, insisterer på, at Joseph Robinette Biden er ‘a decent man’ og advarede Demokraterne mod at skifte ham ud så sent i spillet. Scott Adams gav Trump middelmådige karakterer, mens Larry Kudlow iscenesatte sig som Trumps propagandist. Og Jonathan Turley erklærede special undersøger Robert Hur, som vinder

Hur laid out evidence that President Biden had unlawfully retained and mishandled classified evidence for decades. However, he also concluded that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He found that “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

What has followed is the usual pile-on in the media with legal analysts, press, and pundits denouncing Hur for his findings.


The debate also further undermines the ridiculous effort of the Biden Administration to continue to withhold the audiotape of the Hur interview as privileged (despite saying that the transcript is not privileged).

Bill Ackman fulgte op

Do you remember the heavily excerpted and edited @POTUS Biden @60Minutes interview where the interviewer covered for the president by saying he was ‘very tired?’

@60Minutes knew. 

The @nytimes knew. 

@CNN knew. 

@MSNBC knew. 

Left wing media have had total and complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration. 

They all knew, but they told you otherwise. They outright lied to you. 

And not just lies about Bidenføjede Scott Adams til. “We’ve been living in a Democrat-made hoaxocracy for at least 7 years. Fine People Hoax, Drinking Bleach Hoax, J6 insurrection hoax, “Suckers and losers” hoax, and so much more.

Biden påstod at han fik sit handicap i golf ned til 6 – eller 8, han blev lidt i tvivl – mens han var vicepræsident. Trump afviste den påstand med “I’ve seen your swing!”. Biden udfordrede Trump til et spil, hvis ellers ekspræsidenten kunne bære sin golftaske selv (Efter debatten gelejde Dr Jill Biden præsidenten ned fra scenen, der havde et trin). Gregg Gutfeld kom præsidenten lidt til undsætning ved at spekulere i, at Joe Biden måske havde misforstået spørgsmålet om golf og i stedet talt om hvor mange handicap han havde i al almindelighed. Trump lukkede den del af debatten med “Let’s not be childish!”. Lad den stå et øjeblik.

Biden forsøgte at gøre brug af Demokraternes store satsning på retssystemet ved at kalde Trump for ‘en dømt kriminel’, men Trump skød uanfægtet tilbage, ‘det er din søn også’. Ikke det mest gennemtænkte angreb for en far, der angiveligt elsker sin søn. ‘Har du overhovedet fyret nogen?’, spurgte Trump og ramte Bidens mere end inkompetente præsidentskab.

Substansen havde Joe Biden egentlig meget godt styr på, fremhæver Jakob Krogh” for  Danmarks Radio, der betales af dine skattekroner. Imens sagde Biden

“I supported Roe v Wade, which had three trimesters. First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor, I mean, between the woman and the state.”

Lotte Mejlhede, også kendt fra TV for dine skattekroner, sagde på X “Biden nærmest som genopstået – ved ralley i North Carolina – hvad betyder det for den demokratiske panik?

Genopstået” jøsses, “He’s got more trials coming up!” lovede han demokratisk sine tilhørere. “In the debate, they were side by side in real time on a TV split screen” påpegede Byron York og spurgte; hvordan kunne Demokraterne lade det ske? 

Groupthink spread through the commentariat like a prairie fire. Democratic-leaning reporters and pundits were unanimous: This is a crisis, “DEFCON 1,” as one senior Democrat called it on MSNBC. They were hearing from party activists, officeholders, donors, and they reported that everybody was stunned by how bad Biden looked and sounded. What now? Will some respected Democrat publicly call for Biden to step down? Will some of the party’s wise men and women go to the White House to tell Biden he needs to go? Will Biden listen to any of them?


Now, of course, Democrats face a problem made much more difficult by their denial of Biden’s condition. If they had faced reality a year ago, the party could have moved forward with an orderly selection of a 2024 candidate. Maybe it would have been Vice President Kamala Harris, and maybe it would have been someone else. But the party could have made the choice in a way that gave Democrats a voice in choosing their new candidate. No, Biden did not want to leave, nor did his wife, the first lady. But a unified Democratic Party could have changed their minds. 

That did not happen. Now it is nearly July. The Democratic convention is in August. The primaries are long gone. There is no new candidate. And Biden appears to have chained himself to the Resolute Desk. Many Democrats feel powerless.

CNN prøver tilsyneladende at distancere sig fra deres medansvar, som Demokraternes propagandister, mens Demokraterne selv kræver at nyhedsstationen skal kaste sig mere ind i kampen for deres udåndende kransekagefigur. Repræsentant Goldman, der som bekendt ikke er den skarpeste knallert, ville have revanche, hvor CNNs værter var bedre til at imødegå Trumps ‘løgne’; “He intimidated your network unfortunately, and there was no pushback” beklagede han til Anderson Cooper. Cooper havde før det hørt på Kamala Harris, der end ikke kunne mønstre det mindste gnæk

Once the media starts to realize that they’re not going to get Biden out of the race, they’re all going to quickly retreat from the past 24 hours and get back on board.” skriver Glenn Greenwald. The Views Joy Behar mente at debattens vilkår, som var sat af Team Biden, virkede imod Biden – “og så åd panelet krisepsykologerne”. Det var Gregg Gutfeld, der leverede en tour de force i “Det var så slemt…” jokes i sin åbningsmonolog, som man burde unde sig selv at høre. Bill Maher påstod at Secret Service kalder Biden for “Amber Heard”, efter den demonstrative senge-skider.

Man greb desperat til, at Trump blev faktatjekket så og så mange gange i løbet af debatten, men det var de samme faktatjekkere, der de seneste år havde beskrevet Biden som fjong. Så da CNN faktatjekkede Biden må det have været et chok for Bidens resterende tilhængere. Biden sagde bl.a

“He went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant. But here’s the deal, a lot of young women are being raped by their inlaws. By their spouses. By their brothers and sisters. It’s just ridiculous.”