Trump’s shown Biden’s swing


Coz’ you’d be in jail!


No you were on number two


“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence — I don’t think he knows what he said, either.”

We have 1,000 trillionaires in Americasagde Biden og bagefter sagde Førstedamen Dr Jill Biden : “Joe, you did such a great job answering every question. You knew all the facts’”. Host, ingen analyser, mens alkoholen ruller i mine årer. Ikke alle var så optimistiske på Team Biden vogn. Chris WallaceThis has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion that we’ve seen over (…) Joe Biden sought this remarkably early time because he knew he was losing and he needed to change the narrative. He changed the narrative: he sunk his campaign tonight.” CNN

Right now, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate, and it continues right now. It involves party strategists and involves elected officials. 

It involves fundraisers, and they’re having conversations about the President’s performance, which they think was abysmal, which they think will hurt other people down the party on the ticket. 

They’re having conversations about what they should do about it. Some of those conversations include: Should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside? Should prominent Democrats go public with that call?

David Sacks skrev “Watching the CNN commentators put the knife in Biden’s back is actually sickening. No loyalty. No remorse. It’s just gross.” Og Bill Ackman tilføjede “Tonight was an indictment of the Democratic Party. How could they? Did they think they could pull one over on the American people?

Catastrophic for the party and everyone in charge. How much money has the party and the campaign taken from the American people to put up Joe Biden as the candidate?

og fulgte op 

.@realDonaldTrump is going to win in a landslide. The country should rally around Trump and help him succeed. 

Trump didn’t expect  to win the first time he was elected. As a result, he was totally unprepared. The lack of preparation, the Russia investigation and the ensuing chaos interfered with his ability to execute. 

Now Trump knows he is going to win. So does everyone else.  One of my biggest concerns was whether Trump could build a first class team. The good news is that very capable people that I know are excited to work in the new Trump administration.  Trump will be able to start recruiting top talent immediately. 

Trump will now have time to assemble a first class team. He will be a much better president with the benefit of experience, by surrounding himself with a better team, and without the distractions that interfered with his presidency. 

The best thing we can do as citizens is support our next president. We need to align the country around our nation’s leader. We have grave global threats we need to deal with and challenging economic times fast approaching. 

The abortion issue has been a critical one for many Americans. Trump’s message tonight on abortion should be comforting to many of these voters. 

Trump made clear that he would not challenge the abortion pill and would leave the issue to the states. He also said he approved of abortion in the instance of rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life.

Trump came across as strong and reasonable on the important issues. He didn’t respond to Biden’s attacks. 

Let’s bring the country together. Our divisiveness is killing us. 

And yes, someone needs to take the Democratic leadership behind the woodshed.

Biggest win for a Republican in any Presidential debate since 1984.” mente Laura Ingraham. Det var en skrøbelig Biden der forlod debat scenen. “Tonight was a clear victory … for memes” skrev Elon Musk. “MSNBC is murdering Biden. No mercy. You have to watch.” skrev Scott Adams. Vivek Ramaswamy

The only time Biden came remotely close to life in the debate is when he’s talking about Trump’s conviction and J6. Turns out he doesn’t give a damn about the things Americans actually care about.

NEW: CNN’s Erin Burnett says Biden knew “every one of these questions is coming” leading many to suggest that Biden was fed debate questions beforehand.

CNN, you have some explaining to do.

Burnett: “He goes through six days of preparation, a camp day, more than that. And they know the rules.”

“He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn’t fill the time.”

Joe biden looked like the caricature that conservative media have been painting” sagde CNNs Chuck Todd uden at ænse at det så ikke var en karikatur. Chenk fra The Young Turks sagde “This is an epic disaster!” Grænsebetjentene tog afstand fra Biden, bedst som han hævdede at de støttede ham. “He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time.” konstaterede CNNs Erin Burnett. “I know your swing” sagde Trump om Bidens golfspil. Om Bidens spil i almindelighed.

They’re just talking puppets. It was a setup for a switch.skrev Elon Musk om æggehovederne. Geiger Capital spekulerede også som så mange andre, (Vivek Ramaswamy spåede at den tidlige debat, skulle bane vejen for en ny kandidat)  

They launched a coup.

They moved up the debate to the earliest date in history and threw Biden under the bus…

They wanted time to swap him out.

2 hours ago he was a strong leader. Now, the entire Democratic Party and media establishment is saying he needs to drop out.

Nate Silver, den store meningsmålings-analytiker og den slags, mindede om at “decline comes for everyone, sooner or later” og opfordrede Biden til at smide håndklædet i ringen

Biden is a shadow of himself. This is the most obvious thing in the world — and it was obvious before tonight. Seriously, go ahead and watch clips comparing Biden’s 2012 debate performance against Paul Ryan or even one of his 2020 debates against Trump to virtually any of his recent prolonged public appearances.

Republicans, predictably, have begun to weaponize the issue and if Biden remains on the ballot, Democrats ought to be deeply worried about an “October surprise” in which Republicans simply run clips of Biden then compared to Biden now.

Instead, Biden has been graded on an incredibly generous curve, like after his substantively fine but poorly-delivered State of the Union address. And the White House has been playing hide-the-ball, from Biden’s declining to do a Super Bowl interview to reducing the number of debates from three to two to using executive privilege to block the release of the audio of Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur — who concluded that Biden was an “elderly man with a poor memory” and was pilloried for it, even though Hur had been appointed by the White House’s own Attorney General, resistance hero Merrick Garland.

White House staffers who unskew the polls showing Biden trailing, charlatans selling you “hopium”, columnists who predicted (!) that Trump was going to drop out of the debate (!!) — if you’re a Democrat, you should be angry at these people for putting you in this predicament. The same goes for special interest groups who insisted that Kamala Harris ought to be VP — against Biden’s initial instincts — even though she’d just run one of the most underperforming campaigns in primary history. Without that, Democrats would have a better set of options, or Biden might not have run again in the first place.

And you should be angry at Joe Biden, every bit as much as you should be angry at Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Maybe Biden can still win. There’s certainly some point above zero at which I’d buy his stock, although he’s fallen to just 23 percent on Polymarket. But he was already behind, he’s very likely to fall further behind as a result of the debate, and — don’t neglect this — he still has four-plus months of campaigning (and one more debate) to go, and will have to survive what will be both relentless media coverage and unsparing Republican attacks against his age on every slow news day between now and November.

Dr Jill Biden sagde efter debatten: “You did such a great job. You answered every questions, you knew all the answers” Der ligger for mange tolkninger, der kan brænde min hjerne sammen, så jeg går videre.